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Saturday, January 14, 2012

New Year New Me? NO

Well hello bloggers, for the 10 of you who actually follow this seldom used blog lol. I know I know, Im queen disappearing act right? I just got a new mobile Internet usb so I should be around for a while.

Well its 2012, alot of people always stick to that cliched mantra "New Year, New Me" then by the first week of March are back to old habits.

I on the other hand have been making changes in my life for the latter half of 2011, I didn't wait to make some grand stand resolution, just made adjustments little by little,. I feel that's more effective. So far Ive been improving my credit and trimming the fat in my personal life. Ive cut off just about every person in my life that wasn't in my best interests, family included. Although Ive been a bit on the bored side, I must say having the peace of mind is great. Purging trash to make room for new people and experiences that will add depth and meaning to my life.

As far as my channel goes, yes Im still using the elongate oil and have been using other products as well. Sometimes I wish I had someone else to fol,low me around and film the things I do because sometimes I do them in a huff or spur of the moment and wish Id recorded it for you guys.

I must admit at one point I really had given up on making videos, with being busy and feeling like I lost most of my audience but hey like I always say, as long as I have one viewer, its worth it.

There's are many goals Ive set for myself, not just because its the new year but just because I want to be better, and I intend to meet each of them.

I hope you all have a productive 2012, granted we're here after Dec 12th lol