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Friday, July 30, 2010

Beat Down, a new maternity work out

So I haven't been on world star literally in WEEKS, so I was catching up, many of you probably have already seen this but whoa I just had to share it.

So from what I gather the girl in the pink wanted to fight the one in the T shirt and blue dress jumped in, later it shows the other 2 girls i think they're Spanish were with the guy in the van.

First off, fighting is immature, but while PREGNANT? Think about ur child cmon son! I also was always taught that if you must fight it should just be head up and that jumping was a coward move. As for the guy he was wrong for hitting a female yet she still did step to him as a man, basically this was a big mess

On the bright side, I like that blue dress and her light brown curls lol

Friday, July 2, 2010

Some things just arent worth the $

Ok first of all, why would she agree to do this stupid shit?

Who came up with this?

and most importantly

*Gay dude from Baby Boy voice* FORTY DOLLARS???

So basically she made an ass of her self eating a LIVE ASS BABY MOUSE for 2 twenty dollar bills..

That shit could have rabies or make her sick af, and she did it to entertain some dumb guys in a tat shop. Was she a drug addict who really wanted the money, a prostitute or just an attention whore. I see here's fun in certain stunts like maybe if she ate a spicy pepper but a live ass ANIMAL #Wheretheydo that

SMMFH... your thoughts?