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Friday, July 2, 2010

Some things just arent worth the $

Ok first of all, why would she agree to do this stupid shit?

Who came up with this?

and most importantly

*Gay dude from Baby Boy voice* FORTY DOLLARS???

So basically she made an ass of her self eating a LIVE ASS BABY MOUSE for 2 twenty dollar bills..

That shit could have rabies or make her sick af, and she did it to entertain some dumb guys in a tat shop. Was she a drug addict who really wanted the money, a prostitute or just an attention whore. I see here's fun in certain stunts like maybe if she ate a spicy pepper but a live ass ANIMAL #Wheretheydo that

SMMFH... your thoughts?


  1. Girl I didn't even watch the video when I saw it online yesterday. It sounds too disgusting.

  2. that is sooo disgusting. u couldnt pay me to dat, not even a million, a billion or trillion dollars. idk wat that girl was thinkin

  3. omg that was so gross. blah. i almost got sick watching her do that. i guess she might've eaten weirder similar things in her

  4. Omg that shit is so vile. This nonsense has to be one of the most idiotic, cruel, desperate, and disgusting things I've ever seen in my life. Poor mouse...had to lend its life to such blatant stupidity. SMFH.
