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Monday, August 30, 2010

PRAYER (A Haiku)

Let me have the strength
I plead everyday for
Better days ahead

First Day of School, Goals and Things of that Nature

So babes let me start off by saying its nothing short of a miracle that Im able to post this blog. I have been going thru some Geek Squad nightmare. My Dell laptop has totally died on me, and as we speak Im tying on my first laptop that my Papa (rip) bought me in 2006, I originally stopped using it because of spy ware and needed an upgrade anyway so i basically buried it in the back of a closet. Im so glad Ive never thrown it out or given it away because it sure did come in handy. Its still infected with spy ware but it works better than my Dell so I figure it would be cheaper to get this one fixed which i will be doing soon, Im just a bit financially challenged (details shortly)

ANYWHOOOO, well I started Fall semester day and I will say as far as the class goes, which is Theater I really enjoyed it, but I went through some major BS, I went to financial aid just to make sure i had all of my ducks in a row to make sure I get my MONEY on time when they try to tell me I am not eligible based on summer....I GOT A FREAKIN A, but i did drop a class but as far as I knew that shouldn't have hindered me, so now I have to go thru this while appeals process and blah blah blah. I dont even wanna talk about it anymore its all BS all these budget cuts that Cali is going thru and I get the run around.....

On a brighter note, I feel really good about this semester, with each passing one Im closer to my career and degree, Im just trying to take things a day at a time and not over extend myself, IO just want to pass my exams and get on with my life, I cant stress.

My goals include just getting good marks in class and making more friends and meeting new people to expand my horizons. Also, its been 8 months now...I NEED A JOB!!!!! Ive been getting by so far but Im starting to feel the strain and I miss having my own financial freedom, I went by my old job Bath n Body Works, and from what I hear things are still under thr reign of the evil witch but she may be leaving soon, if she does Im running back lol everyone still loves me up there, that heffa just had some type of personal vendetta against me, I will never forget how she ruined my anniversary smh. Oh well, also some other stores in that mall are hiring Im gonna turn in some apps asap, Im hoping to get hired by F21 that would be so great, but at this point i will take what I can get.

Also Ive been praying more and trying to have a better connection with spirituality, ive been stretching and exercising in the mornings its seemed to have made me feel better, but hey enough of that mushy stuff right. All I can do is be me, and you guys can watch it all go down right.

Yea so that was a mouthfull, by the way that pic is from a couple weeks ago, my hair has gone thru some crazy mess, Im thinking about cutting like 5 inches off and starting over the cold season, yay or nay?

Till next time... *Smooches*

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Birthday Biz

Hey you guys know Im hitting the oh so anticipated 21 soon on Aug 10th, just wanted to shout out my fellow August babies, wanna be listed hit me on youtube. I still dont really know what Im going to be doing so stay tuned.


AMARiSBBy09 Aug 8th

AndreaA819 Aug 19th

MargeAnn819 Aug 19th

rellyrell04 Aug 21st

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Maia Campbell is still sick...pray for her.

So we all remember the show In The House starring LL Cool J, and Miss Maia Campbell who played Tiffany, she also played in the short lived South Central the series as well as many urban films. Well she was in the news months ago after being filmed in LA having what appeared to be a drug induced rant. After there were other videos leaked of her nude and singing while some unnamed men egged her on. (pix below Not long after she was reported to have sought rehab and was expecting a child, I was happy to see was back on her feet doing well, until I went on WSHH and saw this......

From the looks of the palm trees this looks like the west side Crenshaw Inglewood part of LA where she is known to be from. I just hope she gets the help she needs and that people stop laughing at her like its a joke and realize shes sick.