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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Maia Campbell is still sick...pray for her.

So we all remember the show In The House starring LL Cool J, and Miss Maia Campbell who played Tiffany, she also played in the short lived South Central the series as well as many urban films. Well she was in the news months ago after being filmed in LA having what appeared to be a drug induced rant. After there were other videos leaked of her nude and singing while some unnamed men egged her on. (pix below Not long after she was reported to have sought rehab and was expecting a child, I was happy to see was back on her feet doing well, until I went on WSHH and saw this......

From the looks of the palm trees this looks like the west side Crenshaw Inglewood part of LA where she is known to be from. I just hope she gets the help she needs and that people stop laughing at her like its a joke and realize shes sick.


  1. Girl, I heard that she is not on drugs. I heard that she is Bi-Polar. She acts like it a little because I did take psychology and she shows symptons of being Bi-Polar, people should understand that it's a serious illness and stop exploiting her.

  2. Seems like she is on crack.
