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Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Day Made of Glass: Our Fututre?

So I decided to switch it up and start having some different content on my blog. There is a ton more that I am interested in. Did you guys know I've always been some what of a sci-fi buff? I have always enjoys movies that showed glimpses of the future, not far fetched notions like The Jetsons but the likes of I Robot and Surrogates. These films seems feasible as a possible advance.

I came across this clip of a possible near future society dominated by touch screen applications. Upon watching this clip I found many of the applications possible, such as the touch screen 3-D TV being that there are models by Panasonic emerging now. Many of the tools shown remind me of variations of the now popular I-Phone and I-Pad, more technologically advanced and the Kindle that's now a popular alternative to paper books.

What really appealed to me was the networking and business capabilities, being that I am going to be in a fast paced field I appreciate the quick communication, display options and overall ease that it provided the people to conduct their meeting via webcam.

Watching the clips, although amazed by the advancement I did wonder were some of them practical, such as the bus stop and highway signs that had LCD screens. The LCD billboards were reminiscent of those in Times Square and Tokyo.

Overall this piece demonstrated the power of innovative thinking, for the I-Phone was once just a notion and now one of the most popular pieces of technology. The clip stated at the beginning that this was in the "near" future, I hope that I will be able to witness an utilize theses tools in my career.

Your Thoughts?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Idol Eye Candy DeAndre Brackensick

Now, like a lot of people, i enjoy watching the audition episodes of American Idol, always good for a laugh. Through as the competition moves on I usually lose interest and stop watching. I just so happen to catch the episode last night which was the group week episode, there was a lot of drama going on so i decided to sit and watch lol. When the segment came on about the group of mothers who sat front row judging the contestants and who were smack talking about how their kids were much better I just HAD to see what their kids could do if they really were all that.

Well the group of teens performed and did an excellent job, i really liked the second girl who sang and the song melody and such, when suddenly the screen flashed to the cutest face Ive sen in a while. He was so cute he hit an incredible high note when he was singing, I became a fan insatnly lol.

His name is DeAndre Brackensickm he's 16 from San Jose, California. Being that I wasn't really into the show I didn't catch his audition, maybe I can YouTube it. I think he's very talented and stood out among his group mates, i hope he goes far in the competition, I can see him being the next CB or someone on that level. Least now I have a reason to tune in to Idol. Geesh if only he wasn't so young lol

Hey Helana...Where the HELL YOU BEEN?!

Hey Kuties!!! Theres no way for em to try and explain why Ive been away but lets just say Ive had a LOT going on in my life, as ALWAYS but hey what can ya do but try and get through it, sometimes having to neglect the thing you love the most, ie making vids.

With that being said, this is the first week of my spring semster at school so im back in the computer lab, i DIDNT get the macbook SAD FAAAAACE but its ok though, I might be receiving a laptop from someone next Wednesday FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!!

Whats been going on with me???? Too much to write, but the high points are, im still in school, still employed although idk how much longer that's gonna last. I did start neglecting my hair for a while, but I decided I cant let my circumstances ruin all og my hair work, so i recently ordered 2jars of coconut oil for a great deal on amazon *no plug intended* lol. Also I have received 2 products to review that i need to get to asap, One is a purse from an up and coming designer and another is an aryuvedic hair oil to try out.

Im thinking about posting as blog about some of the shows Ive been watching ie Bad Girls Club, RHOA, and THE GAME OMG IM SO GLAD ITS BACK!!!!

It may be a while before you see another vid from me so check back here to get the latest on ya girl.

Truthfully missing you guys