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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Idol Eye Candy DeAndre Brackensick

Now, like a lot of people, i enjoy watching the audition episodes of American Idol, always good for a laugh. Through as the competition moves on I usually lose interest and stop watching. I just so happen to catch the episode last night which was the group week episode, there was a lot of drama going on so i decided to sit and watch lol. When the segment came on about the group of mothers who sat front row judging the contestants and who were smack talking about how their kids were much better I just HAD to see what their kids could do if they really were all that.

Well the group of teens performed and did an excellent job, i really liked the second girl who sang and the song melody and such, when suddenly the screen flashed to the cutest face Ive sen in a while. He was so cute he hit an incredible high note when he was singing, I became a fan insatnly lol.

His name is DeAndre Brackensickm he's 16 from San Jose, California. Being that I wasn't really into the show I didn't catch his audition, maybe I can YouTube it. I think he's very talented and stood out among his group mates, i hope he goes far in the competition, I can see him being the next CB or someone on that level. Least now I have a reason to tune in to Idol. Geesh if only he wasn't so young lol

1 comment:

  1. Giiiiiiiiiiiiirl!!
    Something in me told me he wasn't gonna make it. I could have blew up that damn airplane hanger.. WOOO im heated lol he is one sexy little boi 2 years and hes legal.. lolz btw nice to see u bac mamaz!
