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Thursday, September 16, 2010

So TIRED *Screams*

(even when things are tough, put a game face on, smile to keep from crying)

Well Ive been in school about 3 weeks now and OMG idk what it is but this semester has me really wiped out, maybe because Im taking an upper division English and a harder Math, added to the fact that my theater class is physical (jumping around and making sounds) and my photography class is 6 hours ending after 10pm. Idk just seems like I have to get up so early in order to find decent parking, as always at the start of the semester. It seems to be getting better as more and more people drop classes but this is killing me.

Maybe its because i CANT SLEEP!!! For about a month now I have been having nightmares and haven't been able to get a decent nights rest, i usually get to be after midnight or as late as 3AM, and being that I wake up @ 5:45 every morning...Im killing myself and the vanilla capacinno from 7 11 isn't cutting it. The pain in my back is ridiculous and my eyes look like Ive been partying for weeks and they hurt. Also I feel like Im having some digestion issues since some days I might not eat until the evening and the I go to bed...maybe thats why I feel so fat and outta shape.

On the bright side, I have been doing all of my school work and trying to get my financial aid situation together, then theres my cell phone issue, yall may have notices I ALWAYS have my blackberry, well I decided to switch providers and theyu gave me a Hell of a run around and Im still not situated and thats been a major stressor, I didnt realize how attached I am to it, its like my child lol. So for the next couple of weeks I will be without my beloved BBM or able to Twitter or facebook (yes I made one) unless its from a computer, and yes as I mentioned BOTH of my laptops are trippin.

I dont wanna use the abbreviation FML but i guess I can just say FM situation right now, I know it will get better soon but all I want is a decent nights rest, its Thursday night around 10:20, Ive been invited out but declined I need some SLeeeeeeeeeeP, after this post I plan on soaking in the tub for a long time and listen to some music on my phone, well no Pandora since my net isn't working!!! Ahhhhhh, I know better times are coming but blahhh being in the moment sucks ass

MY RACCOON EYES!!!!! They hurt so bad. S/O to the lady in class who told me my eyes were dark and if I didnt know...GEE THANX!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl,

    Just try to eat right, drink enough water, cutt the coffee and try some meditation before going to bed...i also had some sleeping problems this month...i think it's something in the air, cuz we sure ain't the only ones...good luck on school, just keep focused!! ~FM
