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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Beyonce- Me Myself & I (Alternate Version)

Here's another one! This is another version of Beyonce's Me Myself & I video, from 2004. I remember when I saw the access granted for this video, and they were filming these scenes. I think this version was bit more fun, and empowering, when shes solo singing in the mirror, like yea Im single but Im good. She was gorgeous, this makes me wanna say eff it and get a long blond lace wig lol jk, but I really like the short bob at the end... maybe I'll try it. Still my song after all this time, my fav Bey album.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


OMG so I literally just finished watching Trey Songz video for Yo Side Of The Bed!!! And all I can say is OMG WOOOOOW. There had been a lot of hype about it but I thought it would have been a dud because I also saw Sex Room this morning and that was a #FAIL lol, but this video omg!!! It was so good, story wise and Trey sexy ass did his thing!!! He should really start getting offered movie roles, that was touching as hell. It wasn't corny or over the top, but it captured everything PERFECTLY and Im not just saying that because I Heart Trey. Miss Keri Baby did her do as well, kudos girl! They were such a cute couple. I have to put this as one of my fav Trey videos.

Check it out and please tell me what you guys think

Friday, May 21, 2010

Blue Martian Mixtape

Yall know Weezy is in jail, this mixtape was released a couple weeks ago, and I really like it. I think that most artists who have mixtapes music is way better than their actual studio released alubums, the best example is Trey Songz. Anyway this mixtape features most of Young Money as well as others. Some classic Weezy nastiness hehehe, as well as some hot lines. I love Shanell's voice, she can blow, I hope she has an album when Wayne gets out. I downloaded this from they have free mixtapes, thats where I get all my underground Trey from.

This was the only video i could find of a song from the mixtape, this is Drake's Find Your Love, Im so diggin this song and the video is hot, the girl featured is Maliah his alleged gf, and female that has all the Drake heads mad. Lol stop hating on that girl she got her man, shes prettyful.

Beyonce- Halo (ORIGINAL Version)

WOW! Ok so Beyonce is my #1 fav female artist, BUT like alot of other people I felt that the videos for I Am...Sasha Fierce were less that what Beyonce usually brings. I thought they all were sorta boring especially the 3 girl format. I suppose this was the original version, I LOVED it, it was way more raw and exciting that the one played on TV. This is probably why it wasn't used, perhaps it was too graphic for TV, I think the storyline was better and Bey looked beautiful. I hope her upcoming album has more vids like this, "Why Don't You Love Me" was cute.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I REALLY want to see this movie! Speed Dating

SO I was on WSHH as usual and saw this trailer and LOVED it! I really like the plot and the cast, so many of my faves. I was also very happy to see that this will actually be in THEATERS, you know usually a movie is straight to video. I will most def be @ the movies this summer on opening night. Anyone in LA wanna join me, we can go as a group lol.

What do you guys think?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Car Accident

Saturday night Erica and I were rear ended after going to a Burger King drive thru. The other driver drove off it was a hit and run. We were going to have another club night at the club where her hubby works in Long Beach, so we parked in the lot and called the cops, THEY NEVER SHOWED.

Meanwhile after the shock wore off Erica started having a bad headache and my arms were hurting. Her hubby ran over from his job and took us to the hospital, by the time we got the hospital, Erica could hardly walk. We went to check in and the receptionist was running her mouth laughing with the patient ahead of us, WTF right? SO we finally were given patient bracelets and told to wait. Mind you, were in club wear, lil tops and colorful eye make up and hair, the works, so the other people in the waiting room were looking at us pretty crazy, maybe they thought we were strippers or escorts of something.

They put Erica in a neck brace and wheeled her off and called me in shortly after. When the doctor came to my room I had the butt-out gown, she asked what happened and she was outraged that the other driver kept going. She checked me out and went thru my whole body, my right elbow, left shoulder, knee and back were killing me so they ordered x-rays. They asked if I wanted a pain shot and I almost yelled out HELL YEA, so a nurse came started an IV line and injected some muscle relaxer, next thing I knew ZZZZzzzzzz I was out. Erica's hubby is such a nice guy he kept checking on both of us the whole time.

Some male nurse came and took me to get X-rays, he had salami breath eww, and he had me in awkward positions that hurt but hey had to do it to get them done. By the time it was all done, Erica and her hubby came to my room since she was done first, her neck was really sore and she had a bad headache still. The doctor gave me a prescription and put my arm in a sling and sent us home. My elbow, shoulder and knee were sprained and my back was on fire.

We rested up the next day and ended up going back to Long Beach to the police department to file a report. We waited almost 2 hours, in the mean time 2 gay guys came in, one had been beaten up, he was 17 and and the guy who beat him up was 28 he said he met him off MySpace (be careful who you meet online!!!).

when the officers came out to take our report, they were like "Whoa are your injuries from the accident" we must've looked pretty beat up. We had on basically pajamas, you know comfortable lounging clothes and our bandages. We gave them all of out info, and the description of the car and drier, LUCKILY we had the plate number!!! I hope they catch her!!!!

So for now I'm just resting, hopefully I'm able to go to school, I cant drive because of my arm, but I'll make it work. I'm grateful because it could have been worse, her kids could've been in the car or we could have been critically hurt. Be safe out there guys!

Here's me in the emergency room, on a lighter note, I tired out my 120 pallet and did a yellow and lime green eye. Too bad I didn't get to show it off.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Ok, Its time for me to step my game up!!!

Ok, this is a transsexual. Why do I feel less cute looking at her? That's a shame! I need to step it up, she is FIERCE!!!! BUT....I cant be out shined by a boy in a dress, no shade, I'm just sayin lol, o yea LOVE that hair!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Wonders Of Photo Shop

Now is it wrong for me to say that when I first saw this, I didn't recognize the second photo? LOL It looked like a totally different person, I thought they got a better looking girl to recreate the shot LOL. Natalie wasn't "ugly" before but I think the photo shop softened her features. She looks way better, like a nicer person lol. This does tell alot about the photos of models you see in magazines and websites, most of those big booty girls have big bellies to go with them lol. Hey do whatever you need to get by, maybe on my next shoot I'll have the photographer shop in some boobs for me. Fake it till I make it, maybe I'll "Run LA" after that lol.

Fanatic: Trey Songz Edition

Now you all know I love some Trey "Trigga" Songz but, when does being fan of someone turn into obsession? This is what I call a hot mess. In in a few years (or months) when she jumps on the next person's band wagon she's gonna feel rather silly dont you think? Also, unless she gets with a guy with the same name, there's gonna be relationship drama, hmm I'm sure its a real conversation starter. LOL who am I to judge, she loves Trey...YUUUP hahaha.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

One Year On Youtube

Ok I had to go BIG with the vid for this post, but yea its official, I have been making youtube vids for a whole year. Ive come a long way from my nervous attempt at doing a make up review, and making a video about the now infamous gro aut oil. I will say for the most part I have enjoyed it, being able to express myself and give my opinion on things and actually have an audience who agrees and uses what I say in their lives. Although there had been some mess here and there, I would say its worth it because I have met some of the sweetest people ever, and been able to talk to other video makers. So here's to a year, hopefully I'll keep making them as long as youtube is up lol.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I HAD to post this

Ok I know I talk about kids being too fast these days but, Im sorry these lil mamas were gettin it!! Im not even mad @ them. GO GIRRRRLS!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Texturizing My Little Brother's Hair

You can see the 2nd and 3rd parts on my channel (link @ top of page) Http://

I started texturizing my brother's hair in March for his 12th birthday, its grown out some so its time for a touch up. I use a comb thru simple brand. he likes the results, hes growing up and is concerned about looking good "for the ladies" as he puts it hahaHeres before, his edges were revereted and grown out

AFter, looking longer becuase the texture is relaxed and the edges are smoother.

Heres Forrestt getting his lil grown man on for the ladies lol, give him a few years he'll be breaking hearts, naw my lil peanut is a gentleman. ;-)

So Trey's Been A Cutie FOREVER

Ok so I came across these pix, yall know how I feel about Trey Songz. These are throw back pix of him when he was younger and OH EM GEEZ, this nukka has been a cutie pie since he was in diapers lol. Even his lil baby dreads (and I don't do dreads). So this is how our baby would look? Hahaha lol jkOMG he had THOSE eyebrows back then, I can see myself sending him an "I Like you, do you like me" note in elementary school.I remember those sweaters lol 2002, but whoa baby dreads, somehow he makes it work, look at those lips!He def coulda been my prom date So basically he just always had it goin on