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Monday, May 17, 2010

Car Accident

Saturday night Erica and I were rear ended after going to a Burger King drive thru. The other driver drove off it was a hit and run. We were going to have another club night at the club where her hubby works in Long Beach, so we parked in the lot and called the cops, THEY NEVER SHOWED.

Meanwhile after the shock wore off Erica started having a bad headache and my arms were hurting. Her hubby ran over from his job and took us to the hospital, by the time we got the hospital, Erica could hardly walk. We went to check in and the receptionist was running her mouth laughing with the patient ahead of us, WTF right? SO we finally were given patient bracelets and told to wait. Mind you, were in club wear, lil tops and colorful eye make up and hair, the works, so the other people in the waiting room were looking at us pretty crazy, maybe they thought we were strippers or escorts of something.

They put Erica in a neck brace and wheeled her off and called me in shortly after. When the doctor came to my room I had the butt-out gown, she asked what happened and she was outraged that the other driver kept going. She checked me out and went thru my whole body, my right elbow, left shoulder, knee and back were killing me so they ordered x-rays. They asked if I wanted a pain shot and I almost yelled out HELL YEA, so a nurse came started an IV line and injected some muscle relaxer, next thing I knew ZZZZzzzzzz I was out. Erica's hubby is such a nice guy he kept checking on both of us the whole time.

Some male nurse came and took me to get X-rays, he had salami breath eww, and he had me in awkward positions that hurt but hey had to do it to get them done. By the time it was all done, Erica and her hubby came to my room since she was done first, her neck was really sore and she had a bad headache still. The doctor gave me a prescription and put my arm in a sling and sent us home. My elbow, shoulder and knee were sprained and my back was on fire.

We rested up the next day and ended up going back to Long Beach to the police department to file a report. We waited almost 2 hours, in the mean time 2 gay guys came in, one had been beaten up, he was 17 and and the guy who beat him up was 28 he said he met him off MySpace (be careful who you meet online!!!).

when the officers came out to take our report, they were like "Whoa are your injuries from the accident" we must've looked pretty beat up. We had on basically pajamas, you know comfortable lounging clothes and our bandages. We gave them all of out info, and the description of the car and drier, LUCKILY we had the plate number!!! I hope they catch her!!!!

So for now I'm just resting, hopefully I'm able to go to school, I cant drive because of my arm, but I'll make it work. I'm grateful because it could have been worse, her kids could've been in the car or we could have been critically hurt. Be safe out there guys!

Here's me in the emergency room, on a lighter note, I tired out my 120 pallet and did a yellow and lime green eye. Too bad I didn't get to show it off.

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