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Saturday, May 1, 2010

So Trey's Been A Cutie FOREVER

Ok so I came across these pix, yall know how I feel about Trey Songz. These are throw back pix of him when he was younger and OH EM GEEZ, this nukka has been a cutie pie since he was in diapers lol. Even his lil baby dreads (and I don't do dreads). So this is how our baby would look? Hahaha lol jkOMG he had THOSE eyebrows back then, I can see myself sending him an "I Like you, do you like me" note in elementary school.I remember those sweaters lol 2002, but whoa baby dreads, somehow he makes it work, look at those lips!He def coulda been my prom date So basically he just always had it goin on

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