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Wednesday, May 26, 2010


OMG so I literally just finished watching Trey Songz video for Yo Side Of The Bed!!! And all I can say is OMG WOOOOOW. There had been a lot of hype about it but I thought it would have been a dud because I also saw Sex Room this morning and that was a #FAIL lol, but this video omg!!! It was so good, story wise and Trey sexy ass did his thing!!! He should really start getting offered movie roles, that was touching as hell. It wasn't corny or over the top, but it captured everything PERFECTLY and Im not just saying that because I Heart Trey. Miss Keri Baby did her do as well, kudos girl! They were such a cute couple. I have to put this as one of my fav Trey videos.

Check it out and please tell me what you guys think


  1. I liked it the acting was so good and I got teary eyed at the end when the officers came to the door!

  2. i was about to cry...that is sad. but i love the video

  3. I got teary eyed at the end when the officers came to the door!
