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Thursday, June 17, 2010


Good morning everyone, its 7:55 in the AM and I woke up with a positive outlook. I have decided to have a BS free today, I will be cutting out the following things

1.Negative thoughts

2.Bad Words





Basically anything that doesnt ensure me having a happy positive day. Theres enough people being Bitter Betty's, why should I contribute, no on is gonna steal my smile today.

In a world so ugly at times, why not be one less, do something different today, smile at a stranger, hold a door open for someone, erase that nasty facebook status or evil tweet, resist the urge to call the girl u dont like at ur job a bitch lol

I hope you all have a beautiful Thursday, if no one has told you today, I LOVE YOU, YOURE SPECIAL, YOU MATTER!!

Don't be so serious, you'll have a HEART ATTACK!

I heart this song, it was just right for this vid ;-), luv ya guys!!

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