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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wake Up Wake Up Wake Up its the First of the month

Hey babes, so I know haven't been doing any actual "blogging" lately, but Ive been really busy, and honestly have had much to really talk about, with so much going on. Well today is June first, and I have a few things in store this month that I will probably talk about. Well first off, Im ending off another semester of school, one more closer to my degree!! I am so eager for this break, Im gonna have a few weeks off before summer school so i plan on filming a few thing for you guys and posting alot more. I have had somethings that will carry over, I plan on doing some relationship topics, and touch on some domestic violence and abusive relations ship issue videos as well as eating disorders, depression and other issue alotta ladies face.

There's alot i want to do this summer, especially the beach, and visiting theme parks. I turn 21 this summer and although i may not be balling outta control i really want to enjoy my bday for once, not saying all my bdays have been terrible but i just want this one to be memorable, ya know you only have that BIG 21 once, so i at least want some fond memories to look back on.

So hold on babes, there's more to come from me, I promise i will try to spice my blog up, so i can have more than 13 followers lol.


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