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Saturday, January 14, 2012

New Year New Me? NO

Well hello bloggers, for the 10 of you who actually follow this seldom used blog lol. I know I know, Im queen disappearing act right? I just got a new mobile Internet usb so I should be around for a while.

Well its 2012, alot of people always stick to that cliched mantra "New Year, New Me" then by the first week of March are back to old habits.

I on the other hand have been making changes in my life for the latter half of 2011, I didn't wait to make some grand stand resolution, just made adjustments little by little,. I feel that's more effective. So far Ive been improving my credit and trimming the fat in my personal life. Ive cut off just about every person in my life that wasn't in my best interests, family included. Although Ive been a bit on the bored side, I must say having the peace of mind is great. Purging trash to make room for new people and experiences that will add depth and meaning to my life.

As far as my channel goes, yes Im still using the elongate oil and have been using other products as well. Sometimes I wish I had someone else to fol,low me around and film the things I do because sometimes I do them in a huff or spur of the moment and wish Id recorded it for you guys.

I must admit at one point I really had given up on making videos, with being busy and feeling like I lost most of my audience but hey like I always say, as long as I have one viewer, its worth it.

There's are many goals Ive set for myself, not just because its the new year but just because I want to be better, and I intend to meet each of them.

I hope you all have a productive 2012, granted we're here after Dec 12th lol

Monday, December 5, 2011

Yes it has been a LIFETIME since Ive posted on this blog but yea I felt it was time to bring it back from the dead. So much has happened in my life I couldnt possibly know where to begin so I'll just pick up from here. Anywho, heres my latest vid, I got a sponsorship from Elongate Hair Oil, check it out

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring ( a haiku)

Showers now subside

Warm sand and skies embrace me

Prelude to Summer

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jhene Aiko Mixtape- Sailing Souls

Beautiful songstress Jhene Aiko dropped her mixtape entitled Sailing Souls on her birthday March 16th. For those who aren't familiar with Jhene, she may be recognized from the B2K era, being featured in their videos; as well as having her own song and video for the 2001 hit No L.O.V.E, while being part of the then popular T.U.G Ent. Since then she has had underground hits such as Wait No More and the summer hit July featuring rapper Drake.

This mixtape showcases her smooth melodic voice as well as her laid back "hippie" style, in these r&b and neo-soul reminiscent tunes. Tracks such as H.O.E. featuring singer Miguel showcase her now grown up demeanor, much different from her former teenie songs.

Overall, Sailing Souls showcases Jhene's pure talent through this independent project. Having features from artists such as Drake and Kanye is sure to draw attention and produce more mainstream exposure for the singer; though her die hard fans will agree that whatever she produces is gold.

Jhene in the 2001 B2K Uh Huh video

The mixtape Sailing Souls can be downloaded on her website, as well as links to her facebook, twitter and other networks.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The McLobster: Coming to a Drive Thru Near You?

Today Twitter was flooded with news and discussions about this mystery sandwich known as the McLobster coming to American McDonald's restaurants. Immediately upon hearing the name of the sandwich it made me scrunch my face up. McDonalds, just didn't sound like a good idea. How would they be able to serve lobster at a reasonable price without cutting corners on quality, so I figured it must be some substitute meat like the infamous KRAB with a K.

There were people going back and forth about whether or not this was a hoax or rumor about the sandwich being real so I did a little research. Apparently the sandwich DOES exist, is made with authentic lobster meat and has been available for a number of years in New England and Atlantic areas of Canada, where lobster roll sandwiches are already typically served.

The origin of this rumor about it being tested in select cities for national distribution has so far been determined to be false.

The one up side I can see for this sandwich not being available is the fact that after searching the Internet for photos of the McLobster, I couldnt find a single one that looked appetizing. So far every picture Ive seen has looked like, for lack of a better word "Throw Up On A Bun" eww

Back to the drawing board Ronald

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Day Made of Glass: Our Fututre?

So I decided to switch it up and start having some different content on my blog. There is a ton more that I am interested in. Did you guys know I've always been some what of a sci-fi buff? I have always enjoys movies that showed glimpses of the future, not far fetched notions like The Jetsons but the likes of I Robot and Surrogates. These films seems feasible as a possible advance.

I came across this clip of a possible near future society dominated by touch screen applications. Upon watching this clip I found many of the applications possible, such as the touch screen 3-D TV being that there are models by Panasonic emerging now. Many of the tools shown remind me of variations of the now popular I-Phone and I-Pad, more technologically advanced and the Kindle that's now a popular alternative to paper books.

What really appealed to me was the networking and business capabilities, being that I am going to be in a fast paced field I appreciate the quick communication, display options and overall ease that it provided the people to conduct their meeting via webcam.

Watching the clips, although amazed by the advancement I did wonder were some of them practical, such as the bus stop and highway signs that had LCD screens. The LCD billboards were reminiscent of those in Times Square and Tokyo.

Overall this piece demonstrated the power of innovative thinking, for the I-Phone was once just a notion and now one of the most popular pieces of technology. The clip stated at the beginning that this was in the "near" future, I hope that I will be able to witness an utilize theses tools in my career.

Your Thoughts?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Idol Eye Candy DeAndre Brackensick

Now, like a lot of people, i enjoy watching the audition episodes of American Idol, always good for a laugh. Through as the competition moves on I usually lose interest and stop watching. I just so happen to catch the episode last night which was the group week episode, there was a lot of drama going on so i decided to sit and watch lol. When the segment came on about the group of mothers who sat front row judging the contestants and who were smack talking about how their kids were much better I just HAD to see what their kids could do if they really were all that.

Well the group of teens performed and did an excellent job, i really liked the second girl who sang and the song melody and such, when suddenly the screen flashed to the cutest face Ive sen in a while. He was so cute he hit an incredible high note when he was singing, I became a fan insatnly lol.

His name is DeAndre Brackensickm he's 16 from San Jose, California. Being that I wasn't really into the show I didn't catch his audition, maybe I can YouTube it. I think he's very talented and stood out among his group mates, i hope he goes far in the competition, I can see him being the next CB or someone on that level. Least now I have a reason to tune in to Idol. Geesh if only he wasn't so young lol

Hey Helana...Where the HELL YOU BEEN?!

Hey Kuties!!! Theres no way for em to try and explain why Ive been away but lets just say Ive had a LOT going on in my life, as ALWAYS but hey what can ya do but try and get through it, sometimes having to neglect the thing you love the most, ie making vids.

With that being said, this is the first week of my spring semster at school so im back in the computer lab, i DIDNT get the macbook SAD FAAAAACE but its ok though, I might be receiving a laptop from someone next Wednesday FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!!

Whats been going on with me???? Too much to write, but the high points are, im still in school, still employed although idk how much longer that's gonna last. I did start neglecting my hair for a while, but I decided I cant let my circumstances ruin all og my hair work, so i recently ordered 2jars of coconut oil for a great deal on amazon *no plug intended* lol. Also I have received 2 products to review that i need to get to asap, One is a purse from an up and coming designer and another is an aryuvedic hair oil to try out.

Im thinking about posting as blog about some of the shows Ive been watching ie Bad Girls Club, RHOA, and THE GAME OMG IM SO GLAD ITS BACK!!!!

It may be a while before you see another vid from me so check back here to get the latest on ya girl.

Truthfully missing you guys

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sexies: Quincy Brown

Ok so pretty much you all know I dig Trey Songz as far as looks, and more recently Drake has gotten cuter to me and my all time fav Ginuwine. Well I was on twitter earlier and I finally browsed the follow suggestions and came across Diddy's step son Quincy, and boy or boy did I forget how sexiful he was lol. So I tweeted abt the suggestion and he rt me lol I was kinda embarrassed but oh well, I went to his site and *Jamaican accent* lawdamercy!!!

Now my bestie clowns on me for liking the "pretty boys" like Ginuwine and Juniior, but Quincy seems to have a pretty yet tough look to him like he can fight lol, im silly I know but yes he is added to my list. I just wanna run my fingers thru that curly hurrrr lol....wait s he legal?

His mixtape cover...look at those LIPS!! Mwa! lol

Now tell me him sitting there in that vest and those shades isn't the sexist thing

Big Girl Strip Tease O_o

Ok so I havent got on WSHH in a while and as soon as I do WOOOOW. So this chick decided to put it all out there and all I can do is SMH.

Im all for being comfy with ur body and such but, I wouldnt even put myself out there like that if I had the body of Beyonce, and you know this girl is already a target, on both posts I saw they referenced Precious, pretty much making fun of this girl, but hey she knew what she was getting into when she was recording so hey there goes her "exposure". Looking at her in the face I think that this is the famous JBarbie20 who frequently compares herself to Nicki Minaj, picks tweet battles with other girls, and flirts with guys by posting nude pix of herself.

Is she wrong?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

So TIRED *Screams*

(even when things are tough, put a game face on, smile to keep from crying)

Well Ive been in school about 3 weeks now and OMG idk what it is but this semester has me really wiped out, maybe because Im taking an upper division English and a harder Math, added to the fact that my theater class is physical (jumping around and making sounds) and my photography class is 6 hours ending after 10pm. Idk just seems like I have to get up so early in order to find decent parking, as always at the start of the semester. It seems to be getting better as more and more people drop classes but this is killing me.

Maybe its because i CANT SLEEP!!! For about a month now I have been having nightmares and haven't been able to get a decent nights rest, i usually get to be after midnight or as late as 3AM, and being that I wake up @ 5:45 every morning...Im killing myself and the vanilla capacinno from 7 11 isn't cutting it. The pain in my back is ridiculous and my eyes look like Ive been partying for weeks and they hurt. Also I feel like Im having some digestion issues since some days I might not eat until the evening and the I go to bed...maybe thats why I feel so fat and outta shape.

On the bright side, I have been doing all of my school work and trying to get my financial aid situation together, then theres my cell phone issue, yall may have notices I ALWAYS have my blackberry, well I decided to switch providers and theyu gave me a Hell of a run around and Im still not situated and thats been a major stressor, I didnt realize how attached I am to it, its like my child lol. So for the next couple of weeks I will be without my beloved BBM or able to Twitter or facebook (yes I made one) unless its from a computer, and yes as I mentioned BOTH of my laptops are trippin.

I dont wanna use the abbreviation FML but i guess I can just say FM situation right now, I know it will get better soon but all I want is a decent nights rest, its Thursday night around 10:20, Ive been invited out but declined I need some SLeeeeeeeeeeP, after this post I plan on soaking in the tub for a long time and listen to some music on my phone, well no Pandora since my net isn't working!!! Ahhhhhh, I know better times are coming but blahhh being in the moment sucks ass

MY RACCOON EYES!!!!! They hurt so bad. S/O to the lady in class who told me my eyes were dark and if I didnt know...GEE THANX!


I know some of you saw the vid already so there isnt much to write, I just figured since I haven't been posting much I should share it here, I want to really step it all up now so I can be up there with some of the more popular youtubers, couldn't have done it without all of you so thanx to each and every subbie and viewer, I'm open to suggestion so let me know what I can do to improve.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Bear

I still sleep with this bear, my prom date/first LOVE won this for me @ Knotts Berry Farm theme park the day after prom, I wanted the pink one but his fave color was purple *blah*. That was in 2007. Just a lil random piece of trivia about me...enjoy hehe *Smooches*

Monday, August 30, 2010

PRAYER (A Haiku)

Let me have the strength
I plead everyday for
Better days ahead

First Day of School, Goals and Things of that Nature

So babes let me start off by saying its nothing short of a miracle that Im able to post this blog. I have been going thru some Geek Squad nightmare. My Dell laptop has totally died on me, and as we speak Im tying on my first laptop that my Papa (rip) bought me in 2006, I originally stopped using it because of spy ware and needed an upgrade anyway so i basically buried it in the back of a closet. Im so glad Ive never thrown it out or given it away because it sure did come in handy. Its still infected with spy ware but it works better than my Dell so I figure it would be cheaper to get this one fixed which i will be doing soon, Im just a bit financially challenged (details shortly)

ANYWHOOOO, well I started Fall semester day and I will say as far as the class goes, which is Theater I really enjoyed it, but I went through some major BS, I went to financial aid just to make sure i had all of my ducks in a row to make sure I get my MONEY on time when they try to tell me I am not eligible based on summer....I GOT A FREAKIN A, but i did drop a class but as far as I knew that shouldn't have hindered me, so now I have to go thru this while appeals process and blah blah blah. I dont even wanna talk about it anymore its all BS all these budget cuts that Cali is going thru and I get the run around.....

On a brighter note, I feel really good about this semester, with each passing one Im closer to my career and degree, Im just trying to take things a day at a time and not over extend myself, IO just want to pass my exams and get on with my life, I cant stress.

My goals include just getting good marks in class and making more friends and meeting new people to expand my horizons. Also, its been 8 months now...I NEED A JOB!!!!! Ive been getting by so far but Im starting to feel the strain and I miss having my own financial freedom, I went by my old job Bath n Body Works, and from what I hear things are still under thr reign of the evil witch but she may be leaving soon, if she does Im running back lol everyone still loves me up there, that heffa just had some type of personal vendetta against me, I will never forget how she ruined my anniversary smh. Oh well, also some other stores in that mall are hiring Im gonna turn in some apps asap, Im hoping to get hired by F21 that would be so great, but at this point i will take what I can get.

Also Ive been praying more and trying to have a better connection with spirituality, ive been stretching and exercising in the mornings its seemed to have made me feel better, but hey enough of that mushy stuff right. All I can do is be me, and you guys can watch it all go down right.

Yea so that was a mouthfull, by the way that pic is from a couple weeks ago, my hair has gone thru some crazy mess, Im thinking about cutting like 5 inches off and starting over the cold season, yay or nay?

Till next time... *Smooches*

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Birthday Biz

Hey you guys know Im hitting the oh so anticipated 21 soon on Aug 10th, just wanted to shout out my fellow August babies, wanna be listed hit me on youtube. I still dont really know what Im going to be doing so stay tuned.


AMARiSBBy09 Aug 8th

AndreaA819 Aug 19th

MargeAnn819 Aug 19th

rellyrell04 Aug 21st

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Maia Campbell is still sick...pray for her.

So we all remember the show In The House starring LL Cool J, and Miss Maia Campbell who played Tiffany, she also played in the short lived South Central the series as well as many urban films. Well she was in the news months ago after being filmed in LA having what appeared to be a drug induced rant. After there were other videos leaked of her nude and singing while some unnamed men egged her on. (pix below Not long after she was reported to have sought rehab and was expecting a child, I was happy to see was back on her feet doing well, until I went on WSHH and saw this......

From the looks of the palm trees this looks like the west side Crenshaw Inglewood part of LA where she is known to be from. I just hope she gets the help she needs and that people stop laughing at her like its a joke and realize shes sick.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Beat Down, a new maternity work out

So I haven't been on world star literally in WEEKS, so I was catching up, many of you probably have already seen this but whoa I just had to share it.

So from what I gather the girl in the pink wanted to fight the one in the T shirt and blue dress jumped in, later it shows the other 2 girls i think they're Spanish were with the guy in the van.

First off, fighting is immature, but while PREGNANT? Think about ur child cmon son! I also was always taught that if you must fight it should just be head up and that jumping was a coward move. As for the guy he was wrong for hitting a female yet she still did step to him as a man, basically this was a big mess

On the bright side, I like that blue dress and her light brown curls lol

Friday, July 2, 2010

Some things just arent worth the $

Ok first of all, why would she agree to do this stupid shit?

Who came up with this?

and most importantly

*Gay dude from Baby Boy voice* FORTY DOLLARS???

So basically she made an ass of her self eating a LIVE ASS BABY MOUSE for 2 twenty dollar bills..

That shit could have rabies or make her sick af, and she did it to entertain some dumb guys in a tat shop. Was she a drug addict who really wanted the money, a prostitute or just an attention whore. I see here's fun in certain stunts like maybe if she ate a spicy pepper but a live ass ANIMAL #Wheretheydo that

SMMFH... your thoughts?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Odd Chick Out

OK babes idk if this gonna be a rant or just blasting my thoughts out, either way here goes...

Odd Man Out: One who, because of STRANGENESS of behavior or belief, stands alone in or out from a group

OK first off the definition of this is what gets me, I don't think that I'm STRANGE but apparently that's the way I come off. it appears that I'm always the one who doesn't agree or go with the flow of everyone, that I'm always singled out. that I'm too "weird" that my actions don't follow the norm...

How do I feel about that????

Well initially i should be glad because conformity was never my thing, i pride myself on being "different" and having a very open and accepting mind I feel that's what makes me special.....

on the other hand....

when it comes to dealing with others there always seems to be a conflict...its like i cant be accepted for who i am and most importantly who I'm NOT. With "friends" the few that Ive had I'm usually the one looked at funny when it comes to suggesting things to do, and then I'm the bad guy when I choose not to follow the group, and with guys, the fact that I'm not slut,(because based on what Ive been told by guys I should be more out there based on how i look, bullshit yes I know but that's another post) so I'm looked at funny for just wanting to watch movies or have a nice meal instead of going to "functions".

i get it...I'm "weird" for a 20 year old "pretty" girl, i suppose i should be at the club every weekend and dating 6 guys at once and rolling with a group of equally pretty girls and tearing the malls up. but alas, id rather read a book watch family guy and make YouTube videos about my hair.

Or that

I like to garden
Still buy coloring books
Collect stuffed animals
Like to take hundreds of pictures of myself just to make sure I look ok
I look forward to buying school supplies
I get nervous in elevators
Im scared of midgets
I sleep on top of my covers
I prefer baths to showers
I have trouble saying words with S's
That I get sad when it rains
I can laugh for hours at something that happened months ago
I cry when I watch the Big Bird movie
If everyone chooses blue I'll pick red JUST BECAUSE I dont wanna be like everyone else

what do i want???

For one, Id LOVE to have people in my life who ACCEPT me and NOT JUDGE me for who IM NOT, and not try to run my life and tell me what I SHOULD be doing with my time

As far as a guy goes, my past relationships have basically been of convenience, never really having a healthy coexistence, either straight bullshit or biding my time because its just nice to have people around. Being that I'm so accepting and open minded I have let a lot of freaks in my life which is bad, people who have appeared normal to me but in time revealed their true self, to be so extreme as one guy who put his hands on me...

There is a guy i am EXTREMELY interested in at the moment but that situation in itself is messy, I think I may fucked up my chances with him because of my rash decisions, I really like him, he seems to GET me which is rare, and he appears, well APPEARED to really like me. I could go on and on, the fact that I was actually attracted to them which is rare as hell, and that they make me laugh and I felt amazing when I was with them after such a short time...and my weird ass went and fucked it up, I don't think their feelin me anymore,and that hurts I feel like I can kick my own ass for that. SMMFH

But what can I say Im Helana, the weirdo, the different one, the one who stands out from a crowd, who dances to a different drum, fuck the drum I dance to music i hear in my own dam head, I cant help it thats just me.