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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sexies: Quincy Brown

Ok so pretty much you all know I dig Trey Songz as far as looks, and more recently Drake has gotten cuter to me and my all time fav Ginuwine. Well I was on twitter earlier and I finally browsed the follow suggestions and came across Diddy's step son Quincy, and boy or boy did I forget how sexiful he was lol. So I tweeted abt the suggestion and he rt me lol I was kinda embarrassed but oh well, I went to his site and *Jamaican accent* lawdamercy!!!

Now my bestie clowns on me for liking the "pretty boys" like Ginuwine and Juniior, but Quincy seems to have a pretty yet tough look to him like he can fight lol, im silly I know but yes he is added to my list. I just wanna run my fingers thru that curly hurrrr lol....wait s he legal?

His mixtape cover...look at those LIPS!! Mwa! lol

Now tell me him sitting there in that vest and those shades isn't the sexist thing

Big Girl Strip Tease O_o

Ok so I havent got on WSHH in a while and as soon as I do WOOOOW. So this chick decided to put it all out there and all I can do is SMH.

Im all for being comfy with ur body and such but, I wouldnt even put myself out there like that if I had the body of Beyonce, and you know this girl is already a target, on both posts I saw they referenced Precious, pretty much making fun of this girl, but hey she knew what she was getting into when she was recording so hey there goes her "exposure". Looking at her in the face I think that this is the famous JBarbie20 who frequently compares herself to Nicki Minaj, picks tweet battles with other girls, and flirts with guys by posting nude pix of herself.

Is she wrong?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

So TIRED *Screams*

(even when things are tough, put a game face on, smile to keep from crying)

Well Ive been in school about 3 weeks now and OMG idk what it is but this semester has me really wiped out, maybe because Im taking an upper division English and a harder Math, added to the fact that my theater class is physical (jumping around and making sounds) and my photography class is 6 hours ending after 10pm. Idk just seems like I have to get up so early in order to find decent parking, as always at the start of the semester. It seems to be getting better as more and more people drop classes but this is killing me.

Maybe its because i CANT SLEEP!!! For about a month now I have been having nightmares and haven't been able to get a decent nights rest, i usually get to be after midnight or as late as 3AM, and being that I wake up @ 5:45 every morning...Im killing myself and the vanilla capacinno from 7 11 isn't cutting it. The pain in my back is ridiculous and my eyes look like Ive been partying for weeks and they hurt. Also I feel like Im having some digestion issues since some days I might not eat until the evening and the I go to bed...maybe thats why I feel so fat and outta shape.

On the bright side, I have been doing all of my school work and trying to get my financial aid situation together, then theres my cell phone issue, yall may have notices I ALWAYS have my blackberry, well I decided to switch providers and theyu gave me a Hell of a run around and Im still not situated and thats been a major stressor, I didnt realize how attached I am to it, its like my child lol. So for the next couple of weeks I will be without my beloved BBM or able to Twitter or facebook (yes I made one) unless its from a computer, and yes as I mentioned BOTH of my laptops are trippin.

I dont wanna use the abbreviation FML but i guess I can just say FM situation right now, I know it will get better soon but all I want is a decent nights rest, its Thursday night around 10:20, Ive been invited out but declined I need some SLeeeeeeeeeeP, after this post I plan on soaking in the tub for a long time and listen to some music on my phone, well no Pandora since my net isn't working!!! Ahhhhhh, I know better times are coming but blahhh being in the moment sucks ass

MY RACCOON EYES!!!!! They hurt so bad. S/O to the lady in class who told me my eyes were dark and if I didnt know...GEE THANX!


I know some of you saw the vid already so there isnt much to write, I just figured since I haven't been posting much I should share it here, I want to really step it all up now so I can be up there with some of the more popular youtubers, couldn't have done it without all of you so thanx to each and every subbie and viewer, I'm open to suggestion so let me know what I can do to improve.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Bear

I still sleep with this bear, my prom date/first LOVE won this for me @ Knotts Berry Farm theme park the day after prom, I wanted the pink one but his fave color was purple *blah*. That was in 2007. Just a lil random piece of trivia about me...enjoy hehe *Smooches*

Monday, August 30, 2010

PRAYER (A Haiku)

Let me have the strength
I plead everyday for
Better days ahead

First Day of School, Goals and Things of that Nature

So babes let me start off by saying its nothing short of a miracle that Im able to post this blog. I have been going thru some Geek Squad nightmare. My Dell laptop has totally died on me, and as we speak Im tying on my first laptop that my Papa (rip) bought me in 2006, I originally stopped using it because of spy ware and needed an upgrade anyway so i basically buried it in the back of a closet. Im so glad Ive never thrown it out or given it away because it sure did come in handy. Its still infected with spy ware but it works better than my Dell so I figure it would be cheaper to get this one fixed which i will be doing soon, Im just a bit financially challenged (details shortly)

ANYWHOOOO, well I started Fall semester day and I will say as far as the class goes, which is Theater I really enjoyed it, but I went through some major BS, I went to financial aid just to make sure i had all of my ducks in a row to make sure I get my MONEY on time when they try to tell me I am not eligible based on summer....I GOT A FREAKIN A, but i did drop a class but as far as I knew that shouldn't have hindered me, so now I have to go thru this while appeals process and blah blah blah. I dont even wanna talk about it anymore its all BS all these budget cuts that Cali is going thru and I get the run around.....

On a brighter note, I feel really good about this semester, with each passing one Im closer to my career and degree, Im just trying to take things a day at a time and not over extend myself, IO just want to pass my exams and get on with my life, I cant stress.

My goals include just getting good marks in class and making more friends and meeting new people to expand my horizons. Also, its been 8 months now...I NEED A JOB!!!!! Ive been getting by so far but Im starting to feel the strain and I miss having my own financial freedom, I went by my old job Bath n Body Works, and from what I hear things are still under thr reign of the evil witch but she may be leaving soon, if she does Im running back lol everyone still loves me up there, that heffa just had some type of personal vendetta against me, I will never forget how she ruined my anniversary smh. Oh well, also some other stores in that mall are hiring Im gonna turn in some apps asap, Im hoping to get hired by F21 that would be so great, but at this point i will take what I can get.

Also Ive been praying more and trying to have a better connection with spirituality, ive been stretching and exercising in the mornings its seemed to have made me feel better, but hey enough of that mushy stuff right. All I can do is be me, and you guys can watch it all go down right.

Yea so that was a mouthfull, by the way that pic is from a couple weeks ago, my hair has gone thru some crazy mess, Im thinking about cutting like 5 inches off and starting over the cold season, yay or nay?

Till next time... *Smooches*

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Birthday Biz

Hey you guys know Im hitting the oh so anticipated 21 soon on Aug 10th, just wanted to shout out my fellow August babies, wanna be listed hit me on youtube. I still dont really know what Im going to be doing so stay tuned.


AMARiSBBy09 Aug 8th

AndreaA819 Aug 19th

MargeAnn819 Aug 19th

rellyrell04 Aug 21st

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Maia Campbell is still sick...pray for her.

So we all remember the show In The House starring LL Cool J, and Miss Maia Campbell who played Tiffany, she also played in the short lived South Central the series as well as many urban films. Well she was in the news months ago after being filmed in LA having what appeared to be a drug induced rant. After there were other videos leaked of her nude and singing while some unnamed men egged her on. (pix below Not long after she was reported to have sought rehab and was expecting a child, I was happy to see was back on her feet doing well, until I went on WSHH and saw this......

From the looks of the palm trees this looks like the west side Crenshaw Inglewood part of LA where she is known to be from. I just hope she gets the help she needs and that people stop laughing at her like its a joke and realize shes sick.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Beat Down, a new maternity work out

So I haven't been on world star literally in WEEKS, so I was catching up, many of you probably have already seen this but whoa I just had to share it.

So from what I gather the girl in the pink wanted to fight the one in the T shirt and blue dress jumped in, later it shows the other 2 girls i think they're Spanish were with the guy in the van.

First off, fighting is immature, but while PREGNANT? Think about ur child cmon son! I also was always taught that if you must fight it should just be head up and that jumping was a coward move. As for the guy he was wrong for hitting a female yet she still did step to him as a man, basically this was a big mess

On the bright side, I like that blue dress and her light brown curls lol

Friday, July 2, 2010

Some things just arent worth the $

Ok first of all, why would she agree to do this stupid shit?

Who came up with this?

and most importantly

*Gay dude from Baby Boy voice* FORTY DOLLARS???

So basically she made an ass of her self eating a LIVE ASS BABY MOUSE for 2 twenty dollar bills..

That shit could have rabies or make her sick af, and she did it to entertain some dumb guys in a tat shop. Was she a drug addict who really wanted the money, a prostitute or just an attention whore. I see here's fun in certain stunts like maybe if she ate a spicy pepper but a live ass ANIMAL #Wheretheydo that

SMMFH... your thoughts?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Odd Chick Out

OK babes idk if this gonna be a rant or just blasting my thoughts out, either way here goes...

Odd Man Out: One who, because of STRANGENESS of behavior or belief, stands alone in or out from a group

OK first off the definition of this is what gets me, I don't think that I'm STRANGE but apparently that's the way I come off. it appears that I'm always the one who doesn't agree or go with the flow of everyone, that I'm always singled out. that I'm too "weird" that my actions don't follow the norm...

How do I feel about that????

Well initially i should be glad because conformity was never my thing, i pride myself on being "different" and having a very open and accepting mind I feel that's what makes me special.....

on the other hand....

when it comes to dealing with others there always seems to be a conflict...its like i cant be accepted for who i am and most importantly who I'm NOT. With "friends" the few that Ive had I'm usually the one looked at funny when it comes to suggesting things to do, and then I'm the bad guy when I choose not to follow the group, and with guys, the fact that I'm not slut,(because based on what Ive been told by guys I should be more out there based on how i look, bullshit yes I know but that's another post) so I'm looked at funny for just wanting to watch movies or have a nice meal instead of going to "functions".

i get it...I'm "weird" for a 20 year old "pretty" girl, i suppose i should be at the club every weekend and dating 6 guys at once and rolling with a group of equally pretty girls and tearing the malls up. but alas, id rather read a book watch family guy and make YouTube videos about my hair.

Or that

I like to garden
Still buy coloring books
Collect stuffed animals
Like to take hundreds of pictures of myself just to make sure I look ok
I look forward to buying school supplies
I get nervous in elevators
Im scared of midgets
I sleep on top of my covers
I prefer baths to showers
I have trouble saying words with S's
That I get sad when it rains
I can laugh for hours at something that happened months ago
I cry when I watch the Big Bird movie
If everyone chooses blue I'll pick red JUST BECAUSE I dont wanna be like everyone else

what do i want???

For one, Id LOVE to have people in my life who ACCEPT me and NOT JUDGE me for who IM NOT, and not try to run my life and tell me what I SHOULD be doing with my time

As far as a guy goes, my past relationships have basically been of convenience, never really having a healthy coexistence, either straight bullshit or biding my time because its just nice to have people around. Being that I'm so accepting and open minded I have let a lot of freaks in my life which is bad, people who have appeared normal to me but in time revealed their true self, to be so extreme as one guy who put his hands on me...

There is a guy i am EXTREMELY interested in at the moment but that situation in itself is messy, I think I may fucked up my chances with him because of my rash decisions, I really like him, he seems to GET me which is rare, and he appears, well APPEARED to really like me. I could go on and on, the fact that I was actually attracted to them which is rare as hell, and that they make me laugh and I felt amazing when I was with them after such a short time...and my weird ass went and fucked it up, I don't think their feelin me anymore,and that hurts I feel like I can kick my own ass for that. SMMFH

But what can I say Im Helana, the weirdo, the different one, the one who stands out from a crowd, who dances to a different drum, fuck the drum I dance to music i hear in my own dam head, I cant help it thats just me.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ex Boyfriend (a haiku)

I do despise thee

Thou who art so full of shit

All hail king of lies

(This photo was originally taken with me thinking of my boss @ bath n body works lol)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Trey Gets Freaky...oh my

Ok first off, IM MAD I WASNT HERE TO SEE THIS!!!! Omg!!! When i watched this my jaw was dropped like damnnnnnnn lol. Im only wishing they hadn't done that crowd shot I wanted to see his whole demonstration hehehehe #dontjudgeme. Im sorry but all they nay sayers MUST admit, Trey is coming into his own, Ive been down since I Gotta Make It, but alot of the bandwagon jumpers aren't giving him his props. People like to criticize that Trey just sytands there and sings and doesn't dance or anything, he may not have been dancing but damn it I'd pay to see him get down like that!! He's coming to LA Sepetember 11th and I will do everything in my freakin power to see that shit!!! OMG TREY

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Breezy Songz

I saw this on worldstar, it was cute, now I know some people are gonna think this is shade being thrown but Chris clearly says its not a diss. Im pretty sure artists imitate each other all the time lol. It actually sounded kinda good lol. Like I said on twitter, give CB a break, I wasn't always the biggest fan but Im coming around.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Good morning everyone, its 7:55 in the AM and I woke up with a positive outlook. I have decided to have a BS free today, I will be cutting out the following things

1.Negative thoughts

2.Bad Words





Basically anything that doesnt ensure me having a happy positive day. Theres enough people being Bitter Betty's, why should I contribute, no on is gonna steal my smile today.

In a world so ugly at times, why not be one less, do something different today, smile at a stranger, hold a door open for someone, erase that nasty facebook status or evil tweet, resist the urge to call the girl u dont like at ur job a bitch lol

I hope you all have a beautiful Thursday, if no one has told you today, I LOVE YOU, YOURE SPECIAL, YOU MATTER!!

Don't be so serious, you'll have a HEART ATTACK!

I heart this song, it was just right for this vid ;-), luv ya guys!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Model Spotlight: Jasmine Sanders

Hey boos, k you know I SORTA had an interest in modeling, still debating if this is the summer I decide to jump head first into taking it seriously...but hey thats another blog post lol. Anyway, there are a number of certain models that I really like, this model I have seen but I just could never find out her name, turns out she is Jasmine Sanders, who recently gained more public notice for dating Chris Brown. When I saw her I was like hey thats her lol, but any way, Im gonna start showing some of the models I most admire the work of, I'll start with her. I really like the photos she takes, she has a classic beauty look which is hard to find these days with all the vixens and booty girls lol, I LOVE her hair, it makes me wanna go back blond, only for a moment though. She's 19 currently signed to Boss Models in New York, I wish her much more continued success, go girl!!

Heres a music video actually called Dear Jasmine that she starred in, werk girl!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wake Up Wake Up Wake Up its the First of the month

Hey babes, so I know haven't been doing any actual "blogging" lately, but Ive been really busy, and honestly have had much to really talk about, with so much going on. Well today is June first, and I have a few things in store this month that I will probably talk about. Well first off, Im ending off another semester of school, one more closer to my degree!! I am so eager for this break, Im gonna have a few weeks off before summer school so i plan on filming a few thing for you guys and posting alot more. I have had somethings that will carry over, I plan on doing some relationship topics, and touch on some domestic violence and abusive relations ship issue videos as well as eating disorders, depression and other issue alotta ladies face.

There's alot i want to do this summer, especially the beach, and visiting theme parks. I turn 21 this summer and although i may not be balling outta control i really want to enjoy my bday for once, not saying all my bdays have been terrible but i just want this one to be memorable, ya know you only have that BIG 21 once, so i at least want some fond memories to look back on.

So hold on babes, there's more to come from me, I promise i will try to spice my blog up, so i can have more than 13 followers lol.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Beyonce- Me Myself & I (Alternate Version)

Here's another one! This is another version of Beyonce's Me Myself & I video, from 2004. I remember when I saw the access granted for this video, and they were filming these scenes. I think this version was bit more fun, and empowering, when shes solo singing in the mirror, like yea Im single but Im good. She was gorgeous, this makes me wanna say eff it and get a long blond lace wig lol jk, but I really like the short bob at the end... maybe I'll try it. Still my song after all this time, my fav Bey album.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


OMG so I literally just finished watching Trey Songz video for Yo Side Of The Bed!!! And all I can say is OMG WOOOOOW. There had been a lot of hype about it but I thought it would have been a dud because I also saw Sex Room this morning and that was a #FAIL lol, but this video omg!!! It was so good, story wise and Trey sexy ass did his thing!!! He should really start getting offered movie roles, that was touching as hell. It wasn't corny or over the top, but it captured everything PERFECTLY and Im not just saying that because I Heart Trey. Miss Keri Baby did her do as well, kudos girl! They were such a cute couple. I have to put this as one of my fav Trey videos.

Check it out and please tell me what you guys think

Friday, May 21, 2010

Blue Martian Mixtape

Yall know Weezy is in jail, this mixtape was released a couple weeks ago, and I really like it. I think that most artists who have mixtapes music is way better than their actual studio released alubums, the best example is Trey Songz. Anyway this mixtape features most of Young Money as well as others. Some classic Weezy nastiness hehehe, as well as some hot lines. I love Shanell's voice, she can blow, I hope she has an album when Wayne gets out. I downloaded this from they have free mixtapes, thats where I get all my underground Trey from.

This was the only video i could find of a song from the mixtape, this is Drake's Find Your Love, Im so diggin this song and the video is hot, the girl featured is Maliah his alleged gf, and female that has all the Drake heads mad. Lol stop hating on that girl she got her man, shes prettyful.

Beyonce- Halo (ORIGINAL Version)

WOW! Ok so Beyonce is my #1 fav female artist, BUT like alot of other people I felt that the videos for I Am...Sasha Fierce were less that what Beyonce usually brings. I thought they all were sorta boring especially the 3 girl format. I suppose this was the original version, I LOVED it, it was way more raw and exciting that the one played on TV. This is probably why it wasn't used, perhaps it was too graphic for TV, I think the storyline was better and Bey looked beautiful. I hope her upcoming album has more vids like this, "Why Don't You Love Me" was cute.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I REALLY want to see this movie! Speed Dating

SO I was on WSHH as usual and saw this trailer and LOVED it! I really like the plot and the cast, so many of my faves. I was also very happy to see that this will actually be in THEATERS, you know usually a movie is straight to video. I will most def be @ the movies this summer on opening night. Anyone in LA wanna join me, we can go as a group lol.

What do you guys think?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Car Accident

Saturday night Erica and I were rear ended after going to a Burger King drive thru. The other driver drove off it was a hit and run. We were going to have another club night at the club where her hubby works in Long Beach, so we parked in the lot and called the cops, THEY NEVER SHOWED.

Meanwhile after the shock wore off Erica started having a bad headache and my arms were hurting. Her hubby ran over from his job and took us to the hospital, by the time we got the hospital, Erica could hardly walk. We went to check in and the receptionist was running her mouth laughing with the patient ahead of us, WTF right? SO we finally were given patient bracelets and told to wait. Mind you, were in club wear, lil tops and colorful eye make up and hair, the works, so the other people in the waiting room were looking at us pretty crazy, maybe they thought we were strippers or escorts of something.

They put Erica in a neck brace and wheeled her off and called me in shortly after. When the doctor came to my room I had the butt-out gown, she asked what happened and she was outraged that the other driver kept going. She checked me out and went thru my whole body, my right elbow, left shoulder, knee and back were killing me so they ordered x-rays. They asked if I wanted a pain shot and I almost yelled out HELL YEA, so a nurse came started an IV line and injected some muscle relaxer, next thing I knew ZZZZzzzzzz I was out. Erica's hubby is such a nice guy he kept checking on both of us the whole time.

Some male nurse came and took me to get X-rays, he had salami breath eww, and he had me in awkward positions that hurt but hey had to do it to get them done. By the time it was all done, Erica and her hubby came to my room since she was done first, her neck was really sore and she had a bad headache still. The doctor gave me a prescription and put my arm in a sling and sent us home. My elbow, shoulder and knee were sprained and my back was on fire.

We rested up the next day and ended up going back to Long Beach to the police department to file a report. We waited almost 2 hours, in the mean time 2 gay guys came in, one had been beaten up, he was 17 and and the guy who beat him up was 28 he said he met him off MySpace (be careful who you meet online!!!).

when the officers came out to take our report, they were like "Whoa are your injuries from the accident" we must've looked pretty beat up. We had on basically pajamas, you know comfortable lounging clothes and our bandages. We gave them all of out info, and the description of the car and drier, LUCKILY we had the plate number!!! I hope they catch her!!!!

So for now I'm just resting, hopefully I'm able to go to school, I cant drive because of my arm, but I'll make it work. I'm grateful because it could have been worse, her kids could've been in the car or we could have been critically hurt. Be safe out there guys!

Here's me in the emergency room, on a lighter note, I tired out my 120 pallet and did a yellow and lime green eye. Too bad I didn't get to show it off.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Ok, Its time for me to step my game up!!!

Ok, this is a transsexual. Why do I feel less cute looking at her? That's a shame! I need to step it up, she is FIERCE!!!! BUT....I cant be out shined by a boy in a dress, no shade, I'm just sayin lol, o yea LOVE that hair!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Wonders Of Photo Shop

Now is it wrong for me to say that when I first saw this, I didn't recognize the second photo? LOL It looked like a totally different person, I thought they got a better looking girl to recreate the shot LOL. Natalie wasn't "ugly" before but I think the photo shop softened her features. She looks way better, like a nicer person lol. This does tell alot about the photos of models you see in magazines and websites, most of those big booty girls have big bellies to go with them lol. Hey do whatever you need to get by, maybe on my next shoot I'll have the photographer shop in some boobs for me. Fake it till I make it, maybe I'll "Run LA" after that lol.

Fanatic: Trey Songz Edition

Now you all know I love some Trey "Trigga" Songz but, when does being fan of someone turn into obsession? This is what I call a hot mess. In in a few years (or months) when she jumps on the next person's band wagon she's gonna feel rather silly dont you think? Also, unless she gets with a guy with the same name, there's gonna be relationship drama, hmm I'm sure its a real conversation starter. LOL who am I to judge, she loves Trey...YUUUP hahaha.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

One Year On Youtube

Ok I had to go BIG with the vid for this post, but yea its official, I have been making youtube vids for a whole year. Ive come a long way from my nervous attempt at doing a make up review, and making a video about the now infamous gro aut oil. I will say for the most part I have enjoyed it, being able to express myself and give my opinion on things and actually have an audience who agrees and uses what I say in their lives. Although there had been some mess here and there, I would say its worth it because I have met some of the sweetest people ever, and been able to talk to other video makers. So here's to a year, hopefully I'll keep making them as long as youtube is up lol.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I HAD to post this

Ok I know I talk about kids being too fast these days but, Im sorry these lil mamas were gettin it!! Im not even mad @ them. GO GIRRRRLS!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Texturizing My Little Brother's Hair

You can see the 2nd and 3rd parts on my channel (link @ top of page) Http://

I started texturizing my brother's hair in March for his 12th birthday, its grown out some so its time for a touch up. I use a comb thru simple brand. he likes the results, hes growing up and is concerned about looking good "for the ladies" as he puts it hahaHeres before, his edges were revereted and grown out

AFter, looking longer becuase the texture is relaxed and the edges are smoother.

Heres Forrestt getting his lil grown man on for the ladies lol, give him a few years he'll be breaking hearts, naw my lil peanut is a gentleman. ;-)

So Trey's Been A Cutie FOREVER

Ok so I came across these pix, yall know how I feel about Trey Songz. These are throw back pix of him when he was younger and OH EM GEEZ, this nukka has been a cutie pie since he was in diapers lol. Even his lil baby dreads (and I don't do dreads). So this is how our baby would look? Hahaha lol jkOMG he had THOSE eyebrows back then, I can see myself sending him an "I Like you, do you like me" note in elementary school.I remember those sweaters lol 2002, but whoa baby dreads, somehow he makes it work, look at those lips!He def coulda been my prom date So basically he just always had it goin on

Friday, April 30, 2010

Should I Make a FaceBook???

Hit up the poll to the right >>>>>>>>

New Dance....DICK SLANG???

So on my morning routine of MTO and WSHH, I came across this vid and HAD to post it. OMG, so this is called the "Dick Slang", pretty self explanatory. They "slang" their junk from side to side. *PAUSE* My concerns are

1. Why are there all guys in the room making the vid?
2. Where are the females?
3. If the poin of the dance is to draw attention to your crotch, please refer to questions 1 & 2.

LMAO, kids today. Hey just another "chicken noodle soup" or "stanky leg", those were pretty ridiculous, but they swept the nation, lol who knows maybe this will catch on lol. Guys next time ur at a clib or a party try out the "dick slang" and see what response you get LMAO

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Skin Care Regimen

Gonna start doing more beauty type blogs, hope you guys like...

Respect ME!

So Im pretty much used to getting positive and NEGATIVE attention from guys. Usually it comes in the form of; from either a nice compliment or a lewd comment about my body. Growing up I learned not to just accept it as something being wrong with me but as people being ignorant, rather try to put me on blast for them being too intimidated to approach me with respect. Well today was no different, well in a way since this one invloved a third party, well check out the vid and give me your thoughts.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Downtown LA- Trial visit ;-)

Hey babes, well ya know summer is coming and in keeping with my whole "girlie" trend I'm trying to keep, I wanted to get a jump on getting clothes and accessories. So me, my bff Erica and my cousin Jasmine headed downtown LA to the Fashion District to an area called the "Alley" which is pretty much a ton of whole sale vendors with clothes and other items at really low prices. There are so many booths and shops that they actually compete, like if someone has it for 15 bucks they will lower it to 10 just to get the sale. SO we went down and we weren't really in a position to go all out, we more so went to check it out so when we come back soon we know what to look for. I did find a pair of leggings, some stud earrings for a dollar and finally an NYX jumbo pencil in MILK! I cant wait to try it.

Erica and I found a shoe store with endless shelves of heels flats sandals ect, you guys know my shoe struggle, but I actually fit their size 10!!! I tried on some pairs and I am sooo going back to get them.

Overall it was a nice outing we saw so many things we want, I think this might be a good supplement for the mall, same items lower prices, more variety. Only downside is that it can become very crowded, well it was a Saturday, so maybe next time I'll go during the week. ;-)

I will be sure to snap some more pix the next time we go.

Here's Erica trying on some glasses, she was going for the nerd look lol

All these wallets check out these prices

One of the millions of walls of bags

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I want to re-create this pic!!!!

Ok I know Im SUPER late, but I want to redo this pic. ITS HOT! I think I could pull it off. But umm...does anyone else notice she has a look that sorta says, "Get this teddy bear lookin fool's hand OFF me." LMAO, maybe its just me. Go ahead Christina Im not mad @ u.

So any guys in LA 6'3 and up wanna get in with this shoot hit my email lol jk

That Smile (A Haiku)

So Unexpected
Each Is Received As The First
Truly Breathtaking

Foreplay (A haiku)

Kisses gently rain

Shivers sent down supple back

Heavy sighs escape

Trying to get my DIVA hair on

I like to try and spice it up every now and then, so I pulled out the 80 dollar flat iron I never use lol. It was Easter and I wanted a bit of a change, hey I tried. Oh yea by the way, why of all days did it wanna RAIN at the end of the night I was UUUP SETTT lol, new way, watcha think? Good look?

Free (A haiku)

allow me to breathe
away goes inhibition
now blue are my skies

Short Story (untitled)

Hey babez one night i just got a sudden urge to write, start a whole new story. I think Im gonna make this one a short story and try to get it published before we finish the novel. I just made up random characters. This one is set in LA about some teens. I have 2 ideas of where the story could go, just can decide. So here is some of the first chapter, just random late night ideas let me know what you think....*Smooches*

Chapter 1
Danielle stood in her mirror running Curl Free Curl in her hair as her mother stuck her head in the door. “Where are you headed this early missy?” her mom asked. It was 10:30 on a hot July morning in Inglewood. Being that it had been over 80 degrees at sunrise Danielle had awoke early and hopped in the shower, got dressed and was finishing up her hair. “To the beach” Danielle answered quickly while standing by her bed putting her large Tweety Bird towel in her tote bag. Her mother Loretta came in and sat on the plastic chair near the door with her cup of coffee in her business suit, “Oh with who” she asked already knowing the answer. “Zaire” Danielle answered with a growing smile, Loretta smirked slightly shaking her head, “You really like that lil yellow boy huh?” she playfully asked, “Mooom! He is not yellow he’s like a beautiful butter cream.” Loretta laughed “Oh excuse me ha-ha, but sweetheart seriously he’s a nice boy your father and I don’t mind you seeing him, we just want you two to take it easy ya know you’re young you have plenty of time for everything.” Danielle turned around with a slightly embarrassed look, “Mommy come on.” She pleaded; she hated these “talks” her mom would try to give her. Loretta put her hand up in defense, “ok ok Danielle you know that’s my job to watch out for you, you’re my only daughter.” Danielle went over to Loretta, “Any you’re my only mom, so can I stay over Karen’s tonight?” Loretta scoffed, “Oh and here I am thinking we’re having one of those mother-daughter moments.” They both giggled, and Loretta added, “Yea go ahead, take your brother with you so me and daddy can go out.” They both laughed again, “I’m not taking that lil horny monkey with me, a house full of girls he’d be a groper for real”. “No I won’t!” Danielle’s 13 year old brother Damien yelled from the next room, he had a habit of ear hustling on Danielle’s conversations. Danielle continued, “Yea so after the beach I’m just gonna like come home get cleaned up and all that, can you take me?” she asked, Loretta answered, “I’ll be at work, daddy can drop you off, speaking of which, let me finish getting myself together, I have to pick up the donuts today, I should get 2 dozen for those greedy people.” Danielle laughed as her mom left the room.

At around 11:15 Danielle got a text message, “DWN THE STRT” it was from Zaire. She grabbed her bag and headed out of the front door. It was her father’s day off and he was watering the front lawn while Damien and a friend rode their bikes back and forth in the street, the father wetting them each time they rode by. “Hey sunshine goin’ to the beach?” he dad Daryl observed, “Yea daddy, can you drive me to Karen’s house later?” her father nodded, “Remind me later.” Just then a red convertible pulled up in front of the house. Danielle’s eyes lit up, it was Zaire. He put the car in park and got out as Danielle approached the 6’1 boy who was light skinned with pink lips and a curl. He was wearing a beater, basketball shorts and the classic “Debo” house shoes and tube socks. “Heyyy” Danielle greeted, “Sup babe” he replied hugging her and picking her up a bit so her feet went up, she giggled. He then looked over at Daryl “Sup Mr. C” Daryl turned the nozzle off on the water hose and approached, “I told you man, Daryl, so what’s this fine piece of machinery we got here.” He asked admiring the car. Zaire then gave a slightly cocky grin, ran his hand across the few strands of hair on his chin and answered, “My uncle got a auto shop, and he found me a old clunker and said if I did some work around there he would fix it up for me.” Daryl nodded, “I can respect that, young man workin for his, when I was your age I had a 1981 Toyota truck with a garbage bag in the window.” They all laughed, Daryl pulled some keys from his pants pocket and clicked a remote making the car in the driveway beep. “I’d like to say I upgraded a lil bit” Zaire looked at the 2010 Mercedes truck and commented, “Yea that’s a clean truck Daryl.” Danielle then added her two cents, “And he won’t let me drive it either.” She added a fake pout, “Get your L’s sunshine, get your L’s. So let’s see what you got goin under the hood.” Zaire went and popped his hood and he and Daryl started talking guy talk that she didn’t understand, she looked up and saw her mother coming out of the house and getting in her car that was parked behind Daryl’s truck. She backed out of the driveway and straightened out, she went up a little along Zaire’s car, “Ok honey I’m about to go.” She said to Daryl who then came to the driver’s window to give her a goodbye kiss, she then looked out and said “Hello Zaire.” Zaire then dropped his hand from around Danielle’s waist, “Uh hi Miss Cooper.” She slightly shook her head again and replied, “Yall be good.” And pulled off. Zaire and Danielle then pulled off to leave.

Zaire was going 80 on the 105 with the top down playing Lil Wayne on the stereo. Danielle was riding shotgun with her hair blowing in the wind, in 15 minutes they were at Dockwiler Beach at the end of the freeway. After Zaire parked they got out of the car and headed over to the meter to pay for parking Danielle asked, “So it’s finally yours?” he replied, “Yup after like a year of moppin up oil and getting lunches for my uncle greasy ass mechanic homies, man I’m glad I’m done with that shit, pretty kool birthday gift huh?” “Hell yea, I wanna car when I turn 18 too.” Danielle replied, Zaire then mocked her father, “Get your L’s sunshine.” Danielle playfully shoved him, “Shut up Ima get it, I got my permit, just gotta take my drivin test.” Before Zaire could reply a silver Mazda pulled up and parked next to Zaire’s car, it was his home boy Marcus, he got out and so did his passengers, 3 girls who continued out and over to the sand where a group of teens were. “Wassup my nigga, birthday boy and shit.” “Sup man, yea I’m grown out here.” He once again had his arm around Danielle’s waist. Marcus then turned his attention to Danielle, “Sup Danielle, where yo home girls at?” Danielle sucked her teeth, “Boy you just showed up with a car full of females.” Marcus shrugged his shoulders and asked, “So what you sayin?” Danielle shook her head like her mother and said, as they began to walk over to the sand “Oooh you are a mess you gone catch something, but Karen comin up there though.” Marcus replied, “oh the one with the white daddy?” Danielle laughed, “Stupid why yall refer to her as that.” He shrugged again and said, “Man I don’t know its 2 Karen’s and one got a white a daddy what else I’m supposed to say.” Zaire laughed and Danielle said, “Get yo friend.”

A couple hours later things were going well at Zaire’s beach party, people were paying volleyball and playing in water, Danielle’s best friend Karen had shown up not long after she and Zaire did. Zaire was standing talking to some of his boys when Danielle and Karen ran up out of the water laughing, “Hey yall.” Karen greeted, she began shaking the sand out of her bikini top Marcus had his eyes glued. Danielle saw and commented, “Girl do you have to do that right here?” Karen replied “Heffa don’t be mad Cuz yo titties are jealous.” She added by shaking her D-cups. Marcus began to laugh as Danielle played like she was hurt and put her hand on her chest. “Ay ay ay, I like em so don’t trip.” Zaire said hugging her up, then sliding his hands onto her booty and palming it, “This big enough right here.” Danielle laughed “Stupid.” And another homeboy then said to Karen, “You know what Karen you body is tight, Ima call you Flap Jacks.” Karen cracked a big smile until he added, “Cuz you got two pancakes on yo back.” The laughter erupted and she playfully charged at him and he caught her in a hug. She then turned to Danielle “Damn mamas I guess we opposite, I got top you got bottom huh.” Danielle laughed at her long time friend. They were quite opposite, except for both being around the same height of 5’7 they had a lot of differences, Danielle was a reddish caramel complexion like Chili from TLC and Karen was light skinned, almost looking white. Danielle’s eyes were hazel and Karen’s were grey, Danielle had shoulder length black curly hair and Karen had short sandy brown hair she wore in a pixie cut.

The sun began to set around 8:30 and people were beginning to pack up and leave. Danielle was wrapped in her towel and followed Zaire to the car. “Ok girl Ima go home and change then my daddy gonna bring me alright.” Danielle called to Karen who was getting into her yellow Beetle. “Alright kool Ima go wash the sand out my booty.” She laughed; Danielle called back out, “what booty?” Karen playfully gave her the finger then drove off. She got in the passenger seat and said to Zaire, “That was fun, are you enjoyin yo birthday?” Zaire replied, “Yea its gravy, can’t wait for tonight its gon’ be turnt up.” Danielle giggled, “Yea I just gotta play this off for my dad, but it should be kool though.” “What you gon' wear.” Zaire asked, “You’ll see.” Danielle answer with a sly look, “Oh you aint gon’ tell me, awww man it’s my birthday and you holdin out on me.” He then leaned in for a kiss, and they continued their lips lock until they heard, “Hey hey kids no hanky panky” it was Marcus going back to his car; he was shining a flashlight on his eye chain in the car. Danielle giggled and Zaire said jokingly, “Hatin ass nigga man I swear.” He then started up the car and headed back to the 105.

Zaire pulled up back in front of the house and got out to open Danielle’s door, “Oh such a gentleman,” she said playfully, they got to her door she opened the door and they went in. her dad was on the couch watching ESPN eating a sandwich, “hey daddy.” He nodded at them without looking up from the screen. They went into her room and Zaire sat on the bed. “Damn I got a lotta sand in my hair” she said shaking it out and dropping the towel from around her, Zaire reached up and pulled her to sit on his lap, she put her arms around his neck and kissed him, “Mmm salty.” Zaire joked, “Ugh shut up.” They continued to kiss and he pulled the string to undo her top, it slid off of her and he laid her down, “yo door locked?” he asked pulling the string on her bottoms, she nodded, so he continued to unto the bow ties. He leaned down kissed her and she pulled his beater from over his head, he started kissing her chest while she ran her hands over his curls. He pulled her thigh up and started to finger her, she moaned he added with a slick look, “Shhh girl be quiet I don’t want yo pops come in here wit a shot gun.” She bit down on her bottom lip as he pulled his shorts down, “Real quick?” he asked with a hopeful look, “Real quick” Danielle was a virgin when she and Zaire got together, he had taken her virginity about 2 months ago and she still wasn’t used to him, so they had been going through intervals of short sessions. He rubbed his dick against her kitty and eased his way in, she sucked her breath in, “Shhh I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Ima go slow alright.” He kissed her again and she held onto him as he grinded in and out. She began to kiss his neck when her little brother banged on her door, “Danni where the Capn Crunch at?” Damien yelled through the door. Danielle was snapped out of her groove and Zaire turned his head toward the door then looked back at Danielle, she mouthed “Let me up.” he reluctantly got up, with his solider still at attention, he pulled his shorts back up and began pacing around the room to get it to go down. Danielle sat up and called out through the door, “Um I don’t know, either on top of the fridge or in the cabinet if yo lazy butt would just look.” She heard Damien walk away from the door, she turned her attention back to Zaire, “Sorry boo, I gotta start getting ready, and so do you anyway, you can’t be late for yo own party.” Danielle reasoned. “Man fuck that party I was gettin’ it in.”, Danielle laughed getting up and wrapping back in her towel, “You are so stupid oh my god, boy get outta here so I can shower.” She giggled, “Let me watch.” he said heading toward the door.” Danielle pushed him, “Get outta here fool.” He laughed kissed her on the forehead and said “Alright, see you later on.” She replied “Kay.” And watched him walk toward the living room. When Zaire left he saw Daryl sleeping on the couch with an empty plate on the coffee table.

An hour later Danielle had cleaned up, washed her hair again and was in a t-shirt and jeans. She went to the living room where Damien was watching The Boondocks and her father was looking in the news paper. “Daddy I'm ready.” Daryl got up and grabbed his keys, “Come on son.” Damien followed. As they rode to Karen’s house in Baldwin Hills Daryl asked, “So this is the girl with the white daddy?” Danielle scoffed, “Oh my god yes why does that matter to everybody.” Daryl laughed, “Just askin sunshine.” Soon they pulled up to the 2 story house on the end of the cul-de-sac, Danielle got out and so did her father and brother, Danielle looked at them crazy, “I wanna know who stay up in here while my baby stayin here.” Daryl said seriously, Danielle exhaled heavily as they approached the door and rang the bell. A middle aged black woman answered the door she resembled Wendy Raquel Robinson from The Steve Harvey show. “Hi Danielle, come in come in.” the lady spoke, she closed the door behind them as a white man walked up, “This must be your father, hello I'm Karen’s mother Angela and this is my husband Charles.” Daryl shook both of their hands, “Daryl, nice to meet you, this is my son Damien.” Charles greeted, “hey there sport how’s it goin’” Damien held in his laugh and smiled politely. “Honey why don’t you take them outside and show them what you have on the grill.” Angela suggested, Charles’ face lit up, “Great idea pumpkin, what do you guys say.” He asked, Daryl replied, “Well what can I say I’m always up for some barbecue.” Charles patted him on the back and extended his arm to lead the way through the patio door. Angela then said to Danielle, the girls are upstairs, you know the drill make yourself at home dear.” “Thanks.” She replied and headed up the stairs, down the hall to the door with the “STAY OUT” sign decorated with butterfly stickers. She walked in to find Karen and their other friend Marie. Karen was flat ironing Marie’s hair, “Wassup yall.” She greeted, “heyyy” they replied in unison. “What took you so long? We already getting ready.” Marie asked, Danielle replied, “Zaire had brought me home but then we had started talkin and stuff an—“Karen cut her off “and started fuckin.” Danielle made a shocked face, Marie cut in, “Bitch we know yall be doin the grown up, about time, when you had texted us in the middle of the night I was like finally” the three laughed and Danielle said, “Yea well we woulda been good if Damien lil nosey ass hadn’t interrupted, it was just getting good too man.” Karen laughed, “Ol’ horny ass, well we gon’ see yo booboo later, start getting dressed.” Danielle replied, “Wait lemme see if my dad gone, he was hangin wit yo daddy they went in the back.” Danielle went to the window and saw her dad and brother getting back into the truck carrying foil covered plates, Charles was standing at the driver’s door, they shook hands and Daryl pulled out. “Alright he leavin.” She began to change from her jeans flip flops and t-shirt and put on her red halter top which was Zaire’s favorite color, some short shorts and strappy heel sandals. “I see why you hid that in your bag, yo daddy wasn’t gon’ be havin’ it” Marie observed, “Hell naw I woulda never mad it out the driveway” they laughed. Danielle got in the mirror and pinned her hair with a hump in the front and the back hanging, while Karen stood next to her in the mirror putting on some fake eye lashes.

By 10:15 the 3 girls were ready to go, they walked down stairs where Karen’s parents were on the couch watching The Office, “Be careful girls, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He father called out with a chuckle as they headed to the door, Karen rolled her eyes and said, “We’ll be back later”. When they got outside, Karen said, “Man my dad so fuckin corny I swear man.” Marie and Danielle laughed as they got into Karen’s beetle. They were just getting on the freeway when Danielle’s cell went off with Ashanti’s “Girlfriend” playing as the ringtone; she immediately knew it was Zaire, “Hello” she answered, “Ay where you at babe I just got here.” She could hear the music blasting in the back ground. “We almost to the 101 boo, so prolly like another 15 if it’s no traffic.” Danielle said looking at the road, Zaire replied, “Alright hit me when you close.” “Kay” Danielle said before she hung up. Marie then spoke up from the backseat, “Awww shit Karen it’s jammed up, up there.” The 110 10 interchange was slowly coming to a creep, “Think we gon’’ be late guys” Danielle said looking ahead, “Not the way I drive.” Karen said plainly as he jumped onto the shoulder of the freeway and rode it to the 10 and hopped in the carpool lane cutting off another car. “Whoa bitch.” Marie said as she held on to the back of the passenger seat as Karen laughed, “What? Look I don’t do traffic, and we can’t be late or Miss Danielle will have a fit if we miss one minute of her boo daddy party.” Karen said keeping her eyes on the road. Danielle laughed, “Bitch you are so fuckin crazy, but yea step on it.” Karen went up to 90 mph and in no time they were in Hollywood. Karen slowly crept down Sunset, “Where is this place Danni?” she asked looking at addresses on buildings, Danielle dialed Zaire, “Babe where is this place.” She listened for a minute then hung up. “He said his car parked in the front he said keep doin down it’s on a corner.” They rolled until they saw Zaire’s convertible parked on the curb there was a space behind it so Karen squeezed her tiny car in, “This can’t be right, this like a old warehouse.” Marie said as they got out, just then Zaire came out of the front door with Marcus and 2 other guys. Danielle approached Zaire “Heyyy” she hugged him and he took her hand and spun her around, “Alright alright sexy I see you.” He grabbed her by the waist and greeted her friends, “Sup fellas” he said jokingly. Karen rolled her eyes and Marie walked up to him and said, “You know what punk, here take this gift before you get yo ass whooped.” She said shoving the red gift bag in his hands. Karen said “That’s from both of us.” Zaire put a finger to his eye and said, “I'm touched.” Outta nowhere Marcus blurted out to Karen, “Can I touch.” Karen was wearing a strapless top with her boobs sitting up in her push up bra, Karen mushed him in his face, “Get off me nigga.” The guys laughed, Danielle then handed Zaire a small thin box out of her bag, “Happy birthday.” Zaire smiled and replied, “I'm openin it now.” He opened the box to find a silver Movado watch. “Awww damn baby forreal.” He said admiring the watch, “I saw you were lookin at it when we went to Macys” Zaire put the watch on his wrist and then picked Danielle up and spun her around and kissed her, “Thank you baby.” She cheesed “Glad you liked it.” Marie then cut in, “Um excuse me, hate to break up the love fest but my feet startin to bark can we be in this party already.” Karen added, “Yea damn Zaire I thought you could got a better place than this.” Zaire then looked at Marcus who laughed then grabbed Karen around the shoulder “Come on.” They all went in the door which lead to a freight elevator

Ok yea left it hangin, hmm whats gonna happen at that party??? I will start working on chapter 2 over spring break ;-)